Не волнует текст песни cakeboy

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Тексты песен / C / слова песен Cakeboy / Не Волнует

Перевод текста песни Не Волнует

Исполнитель: Cakeboy
Название: Не Волнует

I don't care, I don't care.

I don't care.

What you want to tell me.

Yes, I sing that there will be

If I look back

Think you're the smartest

But this is not so

I don't care.

What you want to tell me.

Don't care (don't care) don't care (don't care)

Don't care (don't care), doesn't bother me

Don't care (don't care) don't care (don't care)

Don't care (don't care), doesn't bother me

I don't care.

So many different fates, but I'm back in the Studio.

Going through all the synths to find that super

My buddy's on the right track again.

Uh, what? If I'm left with nothing tomorrow,

I sing, because today it's cool, trust me

U, e! U, e! I'm stuck at the bottom, stupid man.

U, e! U, e! Sedna love you, be on top

U, e! U, e! Go up, do what you want.

U, e! U, e! Just started, this is not the limit

I don't care.

What you want to tell me.

Yes, I sing that there will be

If I look back

Think you're the smartest

But this is not so

I don't care.

What you want to tell me.

Don't care (don't care) don't care (don't care)

Don't care (don't care), doesn't bother me

Don't care (don't care) don't care (don't care)

Don't care (don't care), doesn't bother me

I don't care.,

That all so need the other

I will, I will do as

I want to do it to spite them.

I don't care. I don't care.

I don't care where, what, how,

Why do I need to do and what rules

I bet on a unique style

Enough Hr here nes-ti

Stop treating us.

Spin the planet when we go to hell

Figure, man, don't tell me how to live.

I don't care who the new bitches are.

Sound, if sun rays, easy gait of

As the air on the sea drink the notes

I don't care, I'm the calmest

I don't care.

What you want to tell me.

Yes, I sing that there will be

If I look back

Think you're the smartest

But this is not so

I don't care.

What you want to tell me.

Don't care (don't care) don't care (don't care)

Don't care (don't care), doesn't bother me

Don't care (don't care) don't care (don't care)

Don't care (don't care), doesn't bother me

Сразу всплывают в памяти запоминающиеся слова автора Cakeboy песни Если оглянусь назад.

Смотреть видео Cakeboy - Не Волнует на youtube

Отзывы о песне Cakeboy - Не Волнует

Как долго я искала слова Не Волнует. СПАСИБО.

Сегодня на улице слышал песню со словами Пусть оно само расскажет всё тебе, кто знает что за песня?

Ответ: Только что как раз слушала, Archi-M Я знаю.

У Cakeboy просто невероятно крутой голос, а песню эту я как обожаю. И клип Не Волнует тоже красивый, отлично снят.

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