На лучистом чистом небе солнце светит текст песни

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

На лучистом, чистом небе солнце светит,
С высоты с любопытством глядит.
Быстроноги футболисты, словно ветер,
Кто кого в этот раз победит?

В небе злая грозовая панорама,
Мяч плывет у ворот по воде.
Но упрямо едет прямо на «Динамо»
Вся Москва, позабыв о дожде.

The kick is short - and the ball is in the goal!
“Fans” are shouting, the judge gives the whistle, -
Go, friends!
Swift footballers like the wind -
Who will win this time?

In the sky, an evil thunderstorm,
The ball floats at the gate on the water.
But stubbornly goes straight to Dynamo.
All of Moscow, forgetting about the rain.

The kick is short - and the ball is in the goal!
“Fans” are shouting, the judge gives the whistle, -
Go, friends!
But stubbornly goes straight to Dynamo.
All of Moscow, forgetting about the rain.

We often, we often beat aptly.
Come on, friend, get your hands!
And to the British, and the Scots straight into the net
Balls flew from Moscow!

The kick is short - and the ball is in the goal!
“Fans” are shouting, the judge gives the whistle, -
Go, friends!
And to the British, and the Scots straight into the net
Balls flew from Moscow!

Over the green stadium with a slight jingle
He wants the ball to fly around the whole world.
Glory to the brave and skilled champions!
And hello to those who love to "hurt"!

The kick is short - and the ball is in the goal!
“Fans” are shouting, the judge gives the whistle, -
Go, friends!
Glory to the brave and skilled champions!
And hello to those who love to "hurt"!

Do not be proud, beware, champions,
Masters - old-timers of the ball!
Every field, every school has stadiums,
How young people are hot!

The kick is short - and the ball is in the goal!
“Fans” are shouting, the judge gives the whistle, -
Go, friends!
Every field, every school has stadiums,
How young people are hot!

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