Мы с тобой сорвемся за кордон текст песни

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

За лавиной лавина, пурпурные сны из кодеина.
Девочка-боль, девочка-любовь самого сильного кино.
Ты меня большая половина, траблы, кляксы, штурман нас снимал.
Мы парим, а небо в алмазах нам поет "приколись, ман".

Айда на комете кататься,
Перевернуть этот мир попытаемся,
Где-нибудь на берегу Вселенной
Мы типа в брюликах переливаемся.

А во всем виновата весна,
Это любовь, иначе - бездна.
Я для тебя, ты для меня целый мир,
Просто держи меня за руку, ма.

[Куплет 2, Эндшпиль]:
Иду под дождь я с тобой босиком будучи босяком.
Иссяк по сути, но кто знает, что нас ждет потом?
Этот мир колючий до боли. Болючий livestory,
Я в поисках Дори.

Маяк, покажи обитель моей странственной любви.
Локоны в дыму, я плыву, девочка - лови.
Эта постанова для тебя и чьи-бы мысли грели,
Я разбивал колени дабы эти песни были спеты.

Лова на парад, в дола-дола на ножах.
Долго-долго на битах, твой любимый на стихах.
Слово па-па-па-пам, рапапац Адам, Адам.
Я по-ходу денусь не с тобой - это надо нам.

[Куплет 3, MiyaGi]:
Мы с тобой сорвемся за кордон, обнимем небеса.
Накрывал туман города, дома.
Меня несло, к тебе вела дорога строго по пятам.
Именно так и навсегда, спрячу в закрома девочку-мечту.
Перевернем лист календаря.

Завербован феромонами, тебя не описать.
Мы с тобой сорвемся за кордон, обнимем небеса.
Глядя на тебя, не верю я своим глазам.
В омуте тону красоты твоего лица.

Over avalanche avalanche, purple dreams from codeine.
Girl-pain, the girl-love of the strongest movie.
You are my big half, troubles, blots, the navigator was shooting us.
We soar, and the sky in diamonds sings to us & quot; chained, man & quot ;.

My love for you is invisibly visible;
Or, apparently, invisibly, translate me, man.
I'm leaving with love from the mouth.
Freedom is a phantom! There's no heat for me without you.

Idah on a comet ride,
We will try to turn this world around,
Somewhere on the shore of the universe
We type in bryliki overflow.

And in all the blame for spring,
This is love, otherwise - the abyss.
I'm for you, you're a world to me,
Just hold my hand, ma.

I'm singing to you about how I love you!
A dream girl, I'll drown in you.
And before I go to the bottom with a stone,
Love you, love you, love you!

Chorus [x2]:
The most, the most, the most, the most mine!
Recruited pheromones, you can not describe.
The most, the most, the most, the most mine!
We will break the cordon with you, we embrace the heavens.

[Verse 2, Endgame]:
I'm walking in the rain with bare feet being barefoot.
As a matter of fact, but who knows what awaits us later?
This world is spiny to the point of pain. A sickly livestory,
I'm looking for Dory.

Mayak, show the abode of my strange love.
Curls in the smoke, I'm swimming, a girl - catch.
This decree for you and someone's thoughts warmed,
I broke my knees so that these songs were sung.

Lova at the parade, in the dola-dale at the knives.
Long, long on bits, your favorite on the verses.
The word pa-pa-pa-pam, rapapac Adam, Adam.
I'm not going along with you on the way - it's up to us.

I myself got this bastard, I got the most grating dan.
Without you, I'm junk, but with you in flight Sosed!
There, c'mon, I promise to show the whole world!
Let's look a little further, and then the whole world!

Chorus [x2]:
The most, the most, the most, the most mine!
Recruited pheromones, you can not describe.
The most, the most, the most, the most mine!
We will break the cordon with you, we embrace the heavens.

[Verse 3, MiyaGi]:
We will break the cordon with you, we embrace the heavens.
Covered the fog of the city, at home.
I was carried, to you the road was strictly on the heels.
That's it, for good and for good, I'll hide the dream girl in the bakery.
Turn over the calendar sheet.

Half past five in the morning, and we are sitting at sunset,
Plunging his head into the depths of these embraces.
How from you I'm without a mind!
As from you I am without a mind.

Half life, love, Sho carousel - hold on!
And we'll reach the stars. Smile, show yourself!
This fire does not put out, not a second to forget.
A love story, we're right next to Fas-Sarah.

Recruited pheromones, you can not describe.
We will break the cordon with you, we embrace the heavens.
Looking at you, I do not believe my eyes.
In the whirlpool tone of beauty of your face.

Chorus [x4]:
The most, the most, the most, the most mine!
Recruited pheromones, you can not describe.
The most, the most, the most, the most mine!
We will break the cordon with you, we embrace heaven

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