Мини купер песня слова

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Витя АК:
Говорят у афро длинная балда,
Мне шепнула Оля, когда была пьяна.
Когда была пьяна, она делилась впечатлениями,
Что все-таки размер имеет значение.
Чтение по ее ботексным губам
Давало мне понять, что Оля – профессионал.
И о размерах с Олей лучше мне не спорить.
Вообщем это My Little Favorite Story.
Я в сговоре с Вадимом Купэ.
Места хватит мне на нераздвинутом канапе.
Много едет маленьких из Улан-Удэ.
Я слышал что в Москве врачи ноги тянут за лаве.
Мне бы mini cooper, чтобы супер-пупер
Пролетать по пробке на Садовом в будни.
Это не серьезно – мне сказали люди.
Не тыкай на купер, не зная, сколько в нем дури.
По размеру судишь – много не намутишь.
Наполеона помнишь? Это мой кореш.
Морковку любишь? Со сметаной будешь?
Ты такой миниатюрный – наверно много куришь.

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Все тексты Купэ и Витя Ак 47 >>>

Coupet aka the PKK:
Back once again for the renegade master
Add decibels to flash red.
And do not look askance at the boy Rostov,
Let's head without hair and a broken nose.
Height - one and seven, I wear - shirts XL.
When I'm with Mike in his hand - do not fall under the scope.
I'm not a playboy and a prince from fairy tales to Bix,
But towards morning they tell me: "Stop!"
Do not rush to judge, looking down.
Where large cramped to me - fucking.
I omit still below the microphone stand,
For young people set off a small promo.
I barely above Viti - you can see for yourself,
As kids stele higher short stack.
I designed for the nano technology.
Lil'Vadik in your house. Check this out, man!

Let zamazhem that size does not matter?
Let's prove, Victor? Vadik, let's prove it!
Let everyone know on our planet:
Size does not matter! Size is not important.

Let zamazhem that size does not matter?
Let's prove Vadik? Victor, let's prove it!
Let everyone know on our planet:
Size does not matter! Size is not important.

Vitya AK:
They say in African long noodle,
I whispered Olga, when she was drunk.
When she was drunk, she shared her impressions,
What after all, size matters.
Reading her lips boteksnym
Gave me to understand that Olga - professional.
And about the size of Olya is better for me not to argue.
In general it is My Little Favorite Story.
I'm in cahoots with Vadim Coupet.
Plenty of space on my nerazdvinutom canapes.
A lot of small rides from Ulan-Ude.
I heard that in Moscow doctors legs pulled by the lava.
I'd mini cooper, to super-duper
Flies through the traffic jam on the Garden on weekdays.
It's not serious - I was told people.
Do not poke at Cooper, not knowing how much it dope.
Fit to judge - not much namutili.
Napoleon remember? This is my sidekick.
Carrot love? With sour cream will be?
You are so tiny - probably much smoke.

Let zamazhem that size does not matter?
Let's prove Vadik? Victor, let's prove it!
Let everyone know on our planet:
Size does not matter! Size is not important.

Let zamazhem that size does not matter?
Let's prove, Victor? Vadik, let's prove it!
Let everyone know on our planet:
Size does not matter! Size is not important.

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