Ich hab polizei текст песни

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Fool Emeritus

Добавлено Fool Emeritus в сб, 28/11/2015 - 18:40 Добавлено в ответ на запрос xAndrex

Fool Emeritus

В последний раз исправлено Fool Emeritus в пн, 07/12/2015 - 14:33 Ich hab Polizei Переводы "Ich hab Polizei" Английский Fool Emeritus Jan Böhmermann: Топ 3 Idioms from "Ich hab Polizei" Комментарии вс, 29/11/2015 - 01:12

The second line you got wrong. It means:
"They'll come to your house riding in a limousine"

>"Stehenbleiben, Beine breit, Ausweis dabei?" =
Freeze, legs apart, got your ID with you?

>"Muskelottos fuchteln mit Butterflys und freun’ sich" =
By "Muskelottos" guys with huge muscles are meant, wielding their Butterfly-knives, feeling happy with them

Wink smile

>"Du bist Räuber, Polizei ist Gendarm"
That referrs to an antique (pre-war) child's game. (From the times, when there were no TVs yet) ["Kommt, wir spielen Räuber und Gendarm!"]. In the times when children still played in the streets, parks and forests some had to play the Gangsters, and others the Police. And in the end, the Police had to prevail, of course.

>"Nix Hurensohn, Polizistensohn mein Schatz!" means:
I'm not a son of a bitch, I'm a policeman's son, darling!

>"eveidence vault," -> typo here

>"Polizei fickt dich böser Junge und Deine Gangsta-Ehre" =
The Police fucks you bad boy and your Gangsta-pride,

>"Nachtsichtgeräte" = night vision devices

>"Du hast Teleskopschlagstock, ich hab Polizei" =
You've got telescope-truncheon, I have the police

>"I call the police, theY immediately arrive to the place," typo here

>"ZACK" here is an
onomatopoeic (correcly spelled) word for a fillip (punch on the nose)

>"Heb mal bitte Seife auf" is what the thugs in a pen would say, when they opt to rape another guy under the shower

>"Und wenn du dich beschwerst, glauben alle Polizei!"
(said in a correct way: Und wenn du dich beschwerst, glauben alle der Polizei!)
And if you comlain, everybody would believe in the version the police tells.

>". brechen dir Beppo die Haxen" - "Beppo" probably is meant for fool's nickname, "Haxen" literally means "heals", but in Bavarian dialect stands for legs and feet

вс, 29/11/2015 - 13:54

Well, that was quite the instructive corrections round. I´ve edited the lyrics to add your info. Much appreciated, especially the older pop references- I´m still a relatively recent stranger in this country, so my knowledge of those is limited.

вс, 29/11/2015 - 14:07

Wink smile

Glad to help you out.
I'm an old herring.

вс, 29/11/2015 - 15:14

>"Guck mal am Gürtel da. Mein Gott, Walther!" =
Look, what they tote on their belt. Good Lord, Walther! (My God, Walther!)

>"beste Schlägertruppe" = maybe: "best goon-squad" ?

>"Du hast gut trainiert?" =
You have trained well?

The way you have put it now ("BAM") makes the footnote unnecessary

>"Polizei funkt kurz, tatütata, Verstärkung da" =
they radio in, sirens roll, reinforcements are right there

пн, 26/09/2016 - 10:53

"Do you have a big kisser" => "You got a big mouth?"

The latter conveys the double meaning ("you talk tough"), the former doesn't, unless it's an idiom I'm not familiar with.

"that´s what they ought to do" => "that's what they're allowed to do" or "they can legally do that"

"the Police is your enemy, the Police is my helper"
That's a little tough to properly translate as the German idiom "Polizei - dein Freund und Helfer" has "To protect and serve" as English (US) equivalent.
I'd suggest something like "Police protect me, but you get served" (an idiom meaning "to get humiliated" or "to be shown one's rightful place").

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