Go getter текст песни

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Тексты песен / B / слова песен Bumble Beezy / Original Go - Getter

Перевод текста песни Original Go - Getter

Bumble Beezy

Исполнитель: Bumble Beezy
Название: Original Go - Getter

I pressed start where there were few options

And all these bridges led to a dead end

We now for a moment pass out anywhere,

But I hear your voice, like an alarm clock, awake.

In a moment my pain is not as strong as my appetites

After all, a year ago was just a year ago

And my tactics are the same for every fight

While it reminded, now you are even less similar to their ideal

Yeah, but why aren't I around a couple of those Judas?

That a pig will put you on the final?

It's not easy - I have a gang

Go and take it - it's not a code - it's the essence of being

And the master of this voice within me

He's not alone - he is present inside guys

I went to the touch, on a call of heart, having covered from branches the person

A negligible risk, and only made step, as he became instantaneously is high,

But such as we, do not understand others, they will begin to turn at the temples,

But I don't need new friends, I just want to take everything away from them!

Original Go-getter!

Im the realest in the game

All I do is big deals with no manners! (no manners! )

Original Go-getter!

Put that millions in my safe

All I want is six figures and four letters!

Lets get it!

Original Go-getter (go-getter! )

Original Go-getter! (go-getter! )

Original Go-getter!

Put that millions in my safe

All I want is six figures and four letters!

I can't see the coast, my ship has given a roll

All I see among the waves are parts of someone's ships

Drowning-drowning crew, they have an alibi at the bottom

Is this my final flight?

Answer: "no way!"to myself

My - not your sad . -band

I don't know who's gonna stop me.

Flow-gun, boy, I raised Uzi up

And let now it will not be new

We'll leave these crew in the background

My furniture keeps no secrets.,

But the body I keep Emsi in the club house

I'll remind

I went to the touch, on a call of heart, having covered from branches the person

A negligible risk, and only made step, as he became instantaneously is high,

But such as we, do not understand others, they will begin to turn at the temples,

But I don't need new friends, I just want to take everything away from them!

Original Go-getter!

Im the realest in the game

All I do is big deals with no manners! (no manners! )

Original Go-getter!

Put that millions in my safe

All I want is six figures and four letters!

Lets get it!

Original Go-getter! (go-getter! )

Original Go-getter! (go-getter! )

Original Go-getter!

Put that millions in my safe

All I want is six figures and four letters!

Сразу всплывают в памяти запоминающиеся слова автора Bumble Beezy песни Lets get it.

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Хорошо что нашел здесь текст песни Original Go - Getter гениального автора Bumble Beezy.

Такие песни как Original Go - Getter помогают в нашей сложной жизни. Поклон мой и благодарность!

У Bumble Beezy просто невероятно крутой голос, а песню эту я как обожаю. И клип Original Go - Getter тоже красивый, отлично снят.

Какие же сильные эмоции вызывает трек Original Go - Getter. Этот клип вообще самый любимый. И голос, и музыка, про слова - вообще молчу.

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