Гномик гомик текст песни

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

"Жила была Белоснежка, росла красивой и нежной,
Но злая мачеха прочь чужую выгнала дочь лишив последней надежды.
Сюжет до боли знакомый - спасли несчастную гномы,
Один лишил её сна и полюбила она любовью чистой и скромной.

И пошла Белоснежка по лесу и встретила других беглецов, сначала царевну лягушку которая пряталась от принца зоофила, потом спящую красавицу которая жаловалась что царевич некрофил смог поцеловать её только когда она в гробу лежала,
потом она встретила Буратино который сбежал от куклофила Карабаса Барабаса, а потом Колобка за которым гнался дед тестофил - он едва не сделал из Колобка бублик, а потом она встретила лицо кавказской национальности которое просто гуляло по лесу - с тех пор Белоснежку не видели. " & quot; Once there was a Snow White grew up nice and gentle,
But the wicked stepmother kicked off someone else's daughter depriving last hope.
The story is painfully familiar - rescued hapless gnomes
One has deprived her of sleep and she fell in love with love, clean and modest.

And this turned out to be gay dwarf ashamed poor girl from her austere,
And this turned out to be gay dwarf, it is such a scary story for kids!

Tears running streams, but it was in the beginning,
But time passed and vremechko heartily relieved and forget sorrow.
And now Snow White woke up in the new tender,
Another cute gnome has the heart and going to bed, she fell in love as before!

And this turned out to be gay dwarf ashamed poor girl from her austere,
And this turned out to be gay dwarf, it is such a scary story for kids!

Similar to the great chagrin of fun, they loved, they indulged their believing bandwagon.
The poor suffered much, no naturalization - & quot; go to Thumbelina to live, I will love it & quot; - And I decided to run away!
Because this and this and this .

And this turned out to be gay dwarf ashamed poor girl from her austere,
And this turned out to be gay dwarf, it is such a scary story for kids!

And she went to Snow White in the woods and met other fugitives, first princess frog which was hidden from the Prince zoophyte, then sleeping beauty who complained that the necrophiliac prince was able to kiss her only when she was lying in a coffin,
Then she met the Pinocchio who escaped from kuklofila Karabas Barabas, and then followed by chasing Bun testofil grandfather - he almost made from Bun bagel, and then she met a person of Caucasian nationality is simply to walk through the forest - since Snow White did not see . & quot;

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