Гимн библиотеки текст песни

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Если мечтаешь найти чудеса,
В сказку попасть ненароком,
Вовсе не надо бродить по лесам
И колесить по дорогам.

В залах рядами стоят стеллажи,
Тысячи книжек на полках.
Каждый здесь что-то найдет для души,
Лишь заглянув ненадолго.

Очень важно для человека
Знать дорогу в библиотеку.
Протяните к знаниям руку,
Выбирайте книгу, как друга.
(Т. Бокова) If you dream to find miracles,
In the fairy tale fall accidentally,
It is not necessary to wander through the woods
And the wheels on the roads.

There is a library in the neighborhood!
It medicines, like the pharmacy,
From deceit, stupidity, laziness
Treat the book without delay.
There is a library in the neighborhood
It all means for a person
To be smart and a great .
Let always long live the book!

The halls are rows of shelves,
Thousands of books on the shelves.
Everyone here will find something for the soul,
Only by looking briefly.

World Adventures and the realm of ideas,
Knowing the source and laughter:
And for the children, and for adults -
All of this - the library!

It is very important for a person
To know the way to the library.
Give a hand to the knowledge,
Choose a book as a friend.
(T. Bokova)

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