Герой моих детских грез текст песни

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Герой моих детских грёз (Geroy moikh det·skikh gryoz) Affinage: Топ 3 Idioms from "Герой моих детских . " Комментарии чт, 18/06/2020 - 21:33

So the way I interpret the lyrics, it's about growing up and realizing that not everything is all rosy or something among those lines, right? I guess I'm missing some references here but I'm interested about your (and other Russian speakers') opinion.

чт, 18/06/2020 - 21:49

Regular smile

It's hard to say really. Perhaps for someone it's about father? Or maybe it's author himself, who grew up and is disappointed in himself as an adult. I would say that the meaning behind the song is universal and open for interpretation.
Although I speak Russian to a good extend, I'm no way an expert in it

чт, 18/06/2020 - 22:00

A hero of my childhood dreams charges more
Throws manure even further and for real
Laughs after the word "shovel" -> I gave up translating the song because of this part

After some research, I can deliver my final report:
It's an allusion to a joke (a Soviet official visits a sovkhoz and asks about the most glamorous peasant, and the people say "it's our Ivan over there, see how magnificently he throws manure around!"), followed by an expression that is used to comment on an especially lame joke (the joke is so lame you don't know when to laugh, basically). I never could locate the said joke (the one so lame you end up laughing after hearing "shovel"). So the line says "he's as glamorous as an uncouth peasant and so stupid he would not recognize a lame joke if he heard one" or something like that.

Regular smile

Now I have an occasion to put my findings to the test.
What to you think, [@huntingwhales]?

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