Я буду долго тебя искать и через много ночей и дней аккорды на гитаре
Обновлено: 09.03.2025
2 раза:
Я появлюсь чтоб тебе сказать:
"Ты будешь Вечно в Судьбе Моей!" You do not argue with time, obey
From your offense persecute, you smile
Do not believe anyone for a long time
And tired of the loss
You don't share your life with anyone
But please believe
I'll be looking for you for a long time
And after many nights and days
2 times:
I will appear to tell you:
"You will be forever in my memory!"
Without you went half the life of powdered
I miss you my good
Wait for me dear
I ask you one thing
I will find you and know:
"I will not let go anywhere!"
I'll be looking for you for a long time
And after many nights and days
2 times:
I will appear to tell you:
"You will be forever in my destiny!"
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