Venice beach lana del rey аккорды

Обновлено: 09.03.2025

NO CAPO B 320033 Cm 022000 Gm x24432 [Verse I] B Cm Club queen on the downtown scene Gm Prowling around at night B

CAPO on 3rd Fret Fm x02210 F x32010 G 320033 G xx0232 F 022100 F7 020100 [Chorus] Fm F G G With your big eyes, Fm F G G and your big lies

CAPO on 1st Fret Gm 022000 Bm x24432 C 320033 Gm x35543 Gm x02210 C xx0232 G x32010 B/G x2x01x [Verse I] Gm C Gm G B/G Flames so hot that t

CAPO on 1st Fret Bm 022000 G 320033 B x32010 Bm x02210 G xx0232 C7 x21200 [Verse I] Bm Sometimes I wake up in the morning B To red, blue, and yellow skies

CAPO on 2nd Fret Gm x02210 G x32010 F 133211 C 320033 Cm xx0231 G 022100 [Verse I] This is an easy song by Lana which is uncommon! :) the same pattern repeats throughout

CAPO on 1st Fret Jump to: 2nd Verse, Chorus, Bridge Bm 022000 G 320033 B x32010 G xx0232 Bm x02210 C7 x24242 Cm x24432 [Verse I] Bm

[Verse 1] Fm G Climb up the H of the Hollywood sign, yeah C In these stolen moments, the world is mine (duwop, duwop)

CAPO on 4th Fret Fm x02210 Fm 022000 G 320033 F7 020100 C 133211 G xx0232 F 022100 F x32010 [Chorus] Fm I like you a lot G

NO CAPO Fm x24432 G x02220 C 320033 Bm 244322 [Verse I] Fm G All the lights in Miami begin to gleam C Ruby, blue and green, Bm neon too Fm

CAPO on 4th Fret Fm x02210 G 320033 C 133211 F x32010 Gm xx0231 [Verse I] The G for the first few lines of the verse is optional Fm G Put your

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