В боге одном лишь душа найдет аккорды
Обновлено: 09.03.2025
Брось этот грешный порочный мир,
Полный зла,
Где нет любви и везде царит
О поспеши ко Христу прийти,
Счастье и мир для души найти У креста.
Drop this sinful wicked world,
Full of evil,
Where there is no love and everywhere reigns
O hurry to come to Christ,
Happiness and peace for the soul to find At the cross.
Do you hear, now He is calling you,
Hurry up!
Look how the stream flowed from Golgotha
For your sins.
So why are you hesitating, friend,
Do not you want to be among God's servants? Hurry up!
He will protect you from evil
And from troubles,
Joy and sorrow with you to share,
As Father.
It will strengthen you in sorrow,
If to Him you will cry every day!
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