Ты служи мы тебя подождем аккорды
Обновлено: 09.03.2025
Am Am+1
Ты служи, мы тебя подождем
Dm Dm+1
Как же это вокзалам знакомо
И в метель и под мокрым дождем
Знай, знай, ждут тебя дома.
На перроне, махая рукой
Парню девушка клятву давала
Слезы девичьи лились рекой
А душа его навзрыд рыдала
Душа рыдала
Ты служи, мы тебя подождем…. Am Am + 1
You serve , we'll wait
Dm Dm + 1
How did it know the train stations
And in the snow and wet under the rain
Know , know , are waiting for you at home.
On the platform , waving his hand
Woman gave oath
Girlish tears flowed freely
And his soul cried bitterly
soul cried
Dm Dm- 1 E
Parting , the distance
Am Am- 1 F F + 1
The sound of wheels , the words of farewell
Dm Dm- 1 E
As much as the heart beats ,
Am Am- 2 + 1
How could I not come easily !
Dm Dm- 1 E
Parting , the distance
Am Am- 1 F F + 1
Waiting , justification,
Dm Dm- 1 E Am E + 1
But he that loveth him wait !
Oh, is not easy army way
Where the charter was replaced carelessness
From writing to writing somehow,
A to muster an eternity !
But under the sun melt days
So , closer to each other steel
But the soldiers did not think that they
Alienated , alienated . .. alienated .
In the heart of a shot a couple of lines
And the ground from under his feet somewhere
Only know a piece of exercise book
How to harness the tears of a soldier !
This is a terrible word - goodbye
This is evil , " I'm sorry, if you can! "
You're not the first write, but you should know !
You, you, happiness is not complicated .
Happiness is not complicated .
Not privazhivay to heart malice
Someone tell the kid , " Toll !
Lucky , you're lucky ,
And the one who with her grief ! "
Do not be sad soldier , by the what is not !
Do not blame the girls in the divination of their troubles !
All share something , judge sky whip
Be thou not judge, not now not later!
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