Twisted cupid slow train soul аккорды

Обновлено: 09.03.2025


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Slow Train Soul - Twisted Cupid

"Slow Train Soul - таким получился плод сотрудничества Мортена Варано (Morten Varano) и Lady Z. Датчанин и англичанка (чернокожая): жители двух стран, у чьих берегов с давних пор разгружают контрабанду под прикрытием ночи. Но Мортен и Lady Z доставляют необычную, чувственную контрабанду - почти эротическую, высокого класса. По общему настроению это сильно похоже на Morcheeba. Основа музыки - изящное сплетение электронных ритмов и скупых клавишных текстур, переполненных эхо."

He's a loving man, dysfunctional,
But she likes it that way she says:
When loving you is easy,
then why do I feel twisted cupid?

It's like this:
I'm loving you lover, like you've never been loved before
So take a chance on me baby, open your door.
I'm feeling it lover, like I’ve never felt it before
I wanna close my eyes and wish for more
But I’m seeing the truth
Like I’ve never seen it before
I'm the shadow of a woman that you can't ignore.
I can understand how it holds your days.
She's the mother of your child and she's gone away.

When loving you is easy,
Then why do I feel twisted ?
When loving you is easy,
then why do I feel twisted cupid?

You're loving me lover,
Like I’ve never been loved before.
I'll take a chance on you baby, open your door
Cause I can be the rock that you need me to be
When it's her that you see
When you're looking at me.
You say the past is the past, the future is bright.
But you're tossing and you're turning
In your dreams at night.
Well I can understand how you can't escape
The regret and misery of your mistakes.

When loving you is easy,
Then why do I feel twisted ?
When loving you is easy,
then why do I feel twisted cupid?

When loving you is easy,
Then why do i feel
Twisted cupid
Oh baby
Stop me from feeling twisted lover,
Twisted cupid
Oh baby

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