То было не в техасе аккорды
Обновлено: 09.03.2025
Но что это? Ребята
Топырят автоматы
И холодно глядят из под очков
И ловкими руками
С бабьём и стариками
Справляются по части кошельков
Минута пролетела, закончилося дело
Ребятки быстро сели в ЖигулРебятки быстро сели в ЖигулРебятки быстро сели в ЖигулРебятки быстро сели в Жигули
И полетели птицы
Гулять и веселиться
На только что добытые рубли..
Он знал здесь каждый камень
И гнался за сынками
Срезая щебень,
шел на виражах
Все выжал из мотора
И на подъеме в гору
На край дороги Жигули прижал.
Стекло пробили пули,
Нутро перевернули
До белого каленья довели
Пошла стрельба по шинам
Тогда своей машиной
Размазал он по трассе Жигули
То было не в Техасе,
Смотрите также:
Все тексты Дмитрий Полторацкий >>>
That was not in Texas -
According to our Russian highway
Icarus was polnёhonky home
The driver was experienced -
Everything in life has seen it
Loved the way , but your Ikarus
Day rolled to a close
It was a Lada guys
Hands waving - ask podsobRukami waving - ask podsobRukami waving - ask podsobRukami waving - ask podsobit
On the track all happens ,
And who does not work,
Order can not track polyubTogo can not track polyubTogo can not track polyubTogo can not fall in love with the track .
But what is it? children
Topyryat machines
And cold stare from behind his glasses
And deft hands
With babёm and the elderly
Consult on the part of purses
Minutes passed , to finish the job
Boys quickly got into ZhigulRebyatki quickly got into ZhigulRebyatki quickly got into ZhigulRebyatki quickly got into the Lada
And a bird flew
Walk and have fun
The newly obtained rubles ..
Said the driver - Brothers,
please do not worry
Free, cute , beauty
Pressed the accelerator -
No, wait , guys!
And he drove his Icarus in pursuit
He himself was not the legkihOn himself was not from legkihOn himself was not from legkihOn himself was not an easy one -
knife marks on the lungs
He knew and Kolyma and Magadan
But about such urodovNo about such urodovNo about such urodovNo about these freaks
never heard of it srodu
These guys he had never seen
He knew every stone here
And chasing sons
Cutting away the rubble ,
went on bends
All squeezed out of the motor
And on the uphill
On the edge of the road Lada pulled .
Glass struck bullets
insides turned
Brought to incandescence
Shooting went on tires
Then his car
Smeared it on the highway Lada
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