Tito and tarantula аккорды

Обновлено: 09.03.2025

E||-----2---5-7---10---7---5-------------| B||--------------------------------------| G||--------------------------------------| D||----------------------------14---12---| A||-------------------------

Бacoвaя тaбyлaтypa: G--------------------- D--------------------- A--------------5------ E----0----3-------5---

Bm F G E|-0-0-0-1-1-1-0-|---------------|-0-0-0-1-1-1-0-|---------------|-0-0-0-1-1-1-0-|---------------| B|-1-1-1-0-0-0-1-|---------------|-1-1-1-0-0-0-1-|----3/5--3-0---|-1-1-1-0

Tito & Tarantula - Everybody Standard Tuning (original it is played by one half step drop down tuning) Listen to the song for the rythm (overdriven guitar) Intro: 2x Cm Cm Cm Cm Verse: Cm C

Gm Jardines llenos de flores B F Corazon negro de amor Gm Perdida, noche tras noche B F caminando la flor de mal Gm Fue, fue culpa mia B F Llore sol tu dia Gm Me

Flying in my sleep - Tito and Tarantula (from the 1997 record "Tarantism") I really love that record and especially that track. Allover the net I found no tab / chords for it. So I decided that my fi

Tito & Tarantula - Regresare Played with Acoustic Guitar Listen to the song to get rythm Intro: 2x Gm Gm Bm7 Gm Verse: Gm Gm no estamos bien Bm7 Gm son tiempos malos Gm Gm la vos del vient

This is just a 3 chord blues song in Em. The bass guitar contributes a lot to the feel. This feel can be duplicated by a rhythm guitar by doing bass work on the E and A strings while strumming. (He

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PABL.A - русскоязычный проект, к сольному проекту норвежца Питера Тагтгерта "PAIN" отношения не им

Хиль исполнил ее раньше Кобзона

Хиль исполнил ее раньше Кобзона

у него в видео гитара настроена ниже, чем стандартный строй гитары. Поэтому не подойдет

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