Time adventure rebecca sugar аккорды

Обновлено: 09.03.2025

Beginner tabs Top Uke Tabs Trending Artists Strumming Time Adventure Uke tab by Rebecca Sugar

10 Chords used in the song : Fmaj7, G7, Cmaj7, Am7, D7, Gm, C7, F, Dm, Dm7

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Tablature / Chords (Full Song)

Album: unknown Difficulty: Key: unknown Chords Uke tab by Starry5harks , 28 Jul 2018

Tab comments ( 15 )

pufferthefishh for the picking pattern of the beginning just pick the C string and then after strum only E and A strings while playing cmj7 (E string second fret) then just remove ur finger on the E string and strum again only E and A strings, repeat this twice, for the next part do the same thing but bar the 5th fret (so id be pick C string and strum E and A strings after while having ur finger on the E string 7th fret, then play again C string and strum E and A string without ur finger on the 7th fret all of this while u bar the 5th fret) do the second pattern twice and play the other chords hope this helped lol :) 16 Sep 2021 M00chu (Lima)

i think the plucking is
E 2 0 x 2 0 7 5 x 7 5
c 0 x 0 5 x 5

and then you start the song :)

30 Apr 2021 ziggy_stardust_13 (erratas) annnnnd i tried to help but the text format screwed up and i cant delete the comment ;-; 23 Mar 2021 ziggy_stardust_13 (erratas) if the plucking is a bit difficult, just use
E 2 0 2 0 7 5 7 5
A 1 1
C 0 0
G 23 Mar 2021 azulatee instead of fmaj7, i play f and it sounds fine! and i personally don't like the way am7 sounds so i play am 09 Mar 2021 kaeeatsbees

hi :)) im like,, a year after these people but oh well.

since i dont know/dont personally like plucking for this song,, i use the strumming pattern: D* D* D-D* U* up until 'singing,' and so on.

for the part, 'singing,' to 'it would look like', i use D-DU-UDU* for th strumming. i just think it fits the song.

08 Mar 2021 carbonZerox

That may be an inept question on my part, but are you playing the Fmaj7 5557? That's how Rebecca Sugar does it, and aside from the barré on the 5th fret, it doesn't seem too complicated (compared to Gm or Dm/Dm7)

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