Славим сына и отца аккорды
Обновлено: 30.01.2025
1 Куплет:
Ожидали мы во мраке,
Веры свет угасал,
Но с небес Ты поспешил к нам,
Взгляд Твой милость излучал.
Ты спустился, чтоб исполнить
Слово, данное Отцом.
Ты сменил великий трон Свой
На тот хлев, где был рождён.
Славим Сына и Отца,
Славим, Дух Святой, Тебя!
Бог великий триедин,
Царь царей, вовек прославлен Ты!
2 Куплет:
Ты пришёл явить нам Царство,
Землю с небом примирить,
От креста не отказался,
Чтоб творение искупить.
Видел Ты в своих страданиях
Нечто большее тогда,
Ведь, Иисус, Ты, умирая
Всех от смерти нас спасал.
На рассвете в третий день
Ждали чуда небеса,
Гроб открылся, Он воскрес,
Смерть навек победеждена!
И хор ангелов в тот миг
В изумлении ликовал,
Ведь теперь к Отцу прийти
Сможешь всякая душа.
Когда Дух сошёл в огне,
Церковь Божья родилась!
О Христе благую весть
Будем всем (мы) возвещать!
Его имя, Его кровь -
Искупление моё!
Воскресила к жизни нас,
Иисус, Твоя любовь!
2020-05-02 18:53:18 King Of KingsKing Of Kings
In the darkness, we were waiting
Without hope, without light
'Til from Heaven You came running
There was mercy in Your eyes
To fulfill the law and prophets
To a virgin came the Word
From a throne of endless glory
To a cradle in the dirtCHORUS
Praise the Father, praise the Son
Praise the Spirit, three in one
God of glory, Majesty
Praise forever to the King of KingsVERSE 2
To reveal the kingdom coming
And to reconcile the lost
To redeem the whole creation
You did not despise the cross
For even in Your suffering
You saw to the other side
Knowing this was our salvation
Jesus for our sake You diedBRIDGE
And the morning that You rose
All of Heaven held its breath
'Til that stone was moved for good
For the Lamb had conquered deathAnd the dead rose from their tombs
And the angels stood in awe
For the souls of all who'd come
To the Father are restoredAnd the church of Christ was born
Then the Spirit lit the flame
Now this gospel truth of old
Shall not kneel, shall not faintBy His blood and in His name
In His freedom I am free
For the love of Jesus Christ
Who has resurrected me, ohh
In the darkness, we were waiting
Without hope, without light
'Til from Heaven You came running
There was mercy in Your eyes
To fulfill the law and prophets
To a virgin came the Word
From a throne of endless glory
To a cradle in the dirt
Praise the Father, praise the Son
Praise the Spirit, three in one
God of glory, Majesty
Praise forever to the King of Kings
To reveal the kingdom coming
And to reconcile the lost
To redeem the whole creation
You did not despise the cross
For even in Your suffering
You saw to the other side
Knowing this was our salvation
Jesus for our sake You died
And the morning that You rose
All of Heaven held its breath
'Til that stone was moved for good
For the Lamb had conquered death
And the dead rose from their tombs
And the angels stood in awe
For the souls of all who'd come
To the Father are restored
And the church of Christ was born
Then the Spirit lit the flame
Now this gospel truth of old
Shall not kneel, shall not faint
By His blood and in His name
In His freedom I am free
For the love of Jesus Christ
Who has resurrected me, ohh
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