Perfect ed sheeran аккорды укулеле

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Beginner tabs Top Uke Tabs Trending Artists Strumming Perfect Uke tab by Ed Sheeran

4 Chords used in the song : G, Em, C, D

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Tablature / Chords (Full Song)

Difficulty: Key: G, Em Chords Uke tab by supusepa98 , 04 Mar 2017

Tab comments ( 43 )

pawski beautiul song 18 Aug 2021 JaxX (Berlin) I can't believe this is already 4 years old! 02 Jul 2021 JoeyCalamari (nowhere) 1. Lyrics are wrong. 2. Chords are in wrong places and I keep having to randomly add them myself because I know the song that well. 24 Nov 2020 Why_tho The song is amazing, and all of the chords are right, but most of the chords are in the wrong places above the words. 07 Nov 2020 Kodex (Fairfax) I used DDUUDDUU for a majority then cut it in half when two chords needed to be played in a faster pace 26 Aug 2020 prutha09 For female singers, you can transpose it up to 5 half steps so the scale is in C, if you think the original key is hard to sing cause it goes too low. But perfect chords for a perfect song. 25 Aug 2020 _Loa_ Подскажите кто-нибудь бой :^ 28 Jul 2020 pinkukulelebleh I'm working on playing it while singing at my birthday's karaoke this is very hard 14 Jun 2020 Owlhollow This is my sister's favorite song ;-; 16 May 2020 myRoseDS (paris) il est conseillé de mettre un capo en 2e case. 17 Apr 2020 dazepetal44 i lovee itt 21 Mar 2020 Alisa_Melon "now I know I have met an angel in person and she looks perfect tonight" is: Em (on Angel) C (on person) G (on she) D (on perfect) G (on tonight) 08 Feb 2020 Alythea dddDdd dddDdd: each chord
(d=strum down)
(D=strum down harder)
*tempo purposes :)* 31 Dec 2019 amazingtelearner I'm gonna try playing this in front of my crush who I think likes me back! 19 Dec 2019 1adriana4 D DUDU or dddDdd 4D is need to be stronger than another 20 Sep 2019 Derper DDD-DDD (El 4 con más fuerza) 17 Aug 2019 mayrarebecca 16 Aug 2019 elyse03 (Mississauga) 13 Feb 2019 Voldemortt (Portland) For strumming I reccomend DDDDDDDDDDDD so twelve down strums per chord except that G-C thong where it's six each. On the fourth of every six put more emphasis on the chord so down three times then down a little louder then down regular the next two times. That whole thing twice for each chord. Hope I've explained it well. 11 Feb 2019 Lil_Baby gdzie znajdę jak powinno uderzać się o struny? 28 Jan 2019 maddysuke (fantasy-land) this song reminds me of my ex :.( 16 Jan 2019 cooper04 last chorus is wrong 28 Nov 2018 OkayAtUke (north hollywood) I just use DTDT for strumming 14 Nov 2018 BonT04 (FNORT) 24 Oct 2018 KalaUkuleles (Oxnard) I really like this song! a suggestion is, I think you should put the strum on every song, because I have no clue what the strum is! 10 Sep 2018 Arod83 Why do the lyrics blank out to xxxx xxxx when I go to print?? 16 Aug 2018 KalaUkuleles (Oxnard) I thought this song was super good, but I have no idea what the strum is 10 Aug 2018 kathydragos the lyrics are messed up in this site. 08 Aug 2018 Kornel Interlude after the 1st chorus: G D Em D C D 05 May 2018 scubadiver (Berlin) @privett is it not à copyright issue or something ? 09 Apr 2018 privett (Coronado) How come when I print 90% of the words are x out?? 21 Mar 2018 Rosefully (Neverland)

good tab but i would change one thing
. you look perfect tonight

01 Mar 2018 tobyisaloaf (Anaheim) What would be the strum pattern for this song? 01 Mar 2018 Kornel If you want to play it like the original song, put capo on 1st fret. 27 Feb 2018 Villeloyt (Ylivieska) Every chord is right. Good work! 03 Feb 2018 itz_chriztie (Elk Grove)

"When you said you looked a mess I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it darling you look perfect tonight"

on the 2nd to last chorus, it should be replaced with

"When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight"

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