Oh darling beatles аккорды

Обновлено: 09.03.2025

[Cm]This happened once be[Cm]fore, When I came to your d[C7]oor, No rep[G]ly. They said it wasn?t yo[Cm]u, But I saw you peep thro[C7]]ugh your w[G]indow, I saw the li[Gm->Gm]ght, I saw the l[Gm-&g

C C7 Desmond had a barrow in the market place, C7 C Molly is the singer in a band. C G Desmond says to Molly, girl I like yo

Gm7: x43404 (B7 moved up two frets) Gm Gm7 C Gm Gm7 C As I write this letter, send my love to you Gm Gm7 C C G7 C Rememb

This is the intro bit: G|----------------|-----------------| B|----------------|-----------------| C|-------0--------|-----------------| C|---0-3-----0-3--|---------0---3---| G|----------------|---3-

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