Однажды в россии ххос аккорды

Обновлено: 09.03.2025

In the finals i'll kill Haji, that's right, who the fuck counts?

At neghbors it's calm and quiet

People get tortured and beaten

Completely normal evening

In our Russian reality

Some day in Russia we will get out of coma

And all country will go to rehub

But for now let's just sit, wait and i'll make Old Woman's Hip-Hop

I gave banana to 2D girl

Videobattles is a tulpa like Babangida's nightmare

Instead of Moscow i'll go to nuthouse - that's my way of a shaman

I'll grab your throat harder than Dranna held my dick

Jay Mar, adopt mongoose habits

I licked your bitch and burst her clit for a taste

Cowards will never understand taste of blood, shala-kazakh, urban boy, not a real thug

I spat out my teeth after concert, less often than Asylbek his dad's cum

Hey, Jay Mar, what you've become? Where's your new Black Star?

Before it was first channel, now first for anal, namaste, to the places

You're just a shadow of creator, i'm king with your bitch in the bed

My dick is hard like walls of palace

Two balls decorated like gobelin

Here's Asyl, there's bloody hell, not a final but goof

I'm Old Woman but i feel like i won't be able to become old

I'm putting my dick in you like a flag on Reichstag!

Istomina, basically, you were the first to notice

In finals i'm the only one who's white and cisgender

I entered a sperm bank with two full tanks

We wrote those lyrics with homeless incels

C'est la vie, i went to mother in Tel-Aviv

In order to impress your mom i told her that there's three of us in finals

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