Never enough аккорды для гитары

Обновлено: 09.03.2025

[ C ] Will you share this with [ G ] me?

[ G ] All the shine of

a thousand spotlights

[ D ] All the stars we

steal from the night sky

[ Am ] Will never be [ Em ] enough

[ C ] Never be enough

[ G ] Towers of gold are

still too little

These [ D ] hands could

[ Am ] Never be [ Em ] enough

[ C ] Never be enough


[ G ] For me

[ G ] Never, never

[ D ] Never, never

[ Em ] Never, for [ C ] me

[ G ] Never enough

[ D ] Never enough

[ Em ] Never enough

For [ C ] me, for me, for me

[ G ] All the shine of a

thousand spotlights

[ D ] All the stars we

steal from the night sky

Will [ Am ] Will never be [ Em ] enough

[ C ] Never be enough

[ G ] Towers of gold are

still too little

These [ D ] hands could

[ Am ] Never be en [ Em ] en ough

[ C ] Never be enoug [ Cm ] enoug h


[ G ] For me

[ G ] Never, never

[ D ] Never, never

[ Em ] Never, for m [ C ] m e

[ G ] Never enough

Never, never

[ D ] Never enough

Never, never

[ Em ] Never enough

For [ C ] me, for me, for me

[ G ] For me

Chords (click to close)

Guitar Ukulele Piano

Other versions (2)

G D Em C Am Cm 0

G D Em C Am Cm 0

Guitar Tabs (0)

This song has no tabs yet

This chords is contributed by Tobi. If you like Chords Easy and would like to contribute, you can also create a new song/chords HERE. See your chords appearing on the Chords Easy main page and help other guitar players.

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