Не сдавайся родина я с тобой аккорды

Обновлено: 09.03.2025

С надеждою глядя вперёд,
Никто не предвидел твой ход,
Такие сремленья Душе посылает лишь РОД.
С надеждою глядя вперёд,
Никто не предвидел твой ход,
Такие сремленья Душе посылает лишь РОД.

"Не сдавайся, Родина.

Не сдавайся, РОДИНА.


Гурский Владимир Владимирович (Владимир Бард), 36 лет, Респулбика Беларусь, г.Витебск -
композитор, автор текста и исполнитель (гитара, основной вокал)
Шаповалов Дмитрий Владимирович (Родосвет) 30 лет, Респулбика Беларусь, г.Витебск-
гитара, соло-гитара, бэк-вокал, аранжировки.

Немного о песне:
Песня "Не сдавайся Родина" была написана практически сразу после выхода в свет и прочтения книги В.Н.Мегре "Анаста",
под впечатлением от сюжета с девочкой и надвигающимся ледником.
Песня записана в современной аранжировке на домашней студии, но исполняется в бардовском варианте (2 гитары, 2 вокала) и исключительно вживую. Песня звучала в рамках ежегодного международного фестиваля "Славянский Базар" в Витебске, на одной из его малых сцен, а также в поддержку Каравана Любви Солнечных Бардов в Витебске и в кругах друзей и единомышленников.

Cold winds! Huge ice. Hopelessness .
What caused all this, we are not fully understood.
Come string and runs away into the distance the road,
And it is clear that no one will return back.
Froze leaves and wilted flowers meadow.
Empty houses, though the demon dashed over them!

With the hope of looking forward,
Nobody foresaw your turn,
Such sremlenya Soul sends a ROD.
With the hope of looking forward,
Nobody foresaw your turn,
Such sremlenya Soul sends a ROD.

And the cold winds falter, entangled in the strands of hair,
Fearless Little Lady, and her voice conquering frost
It sounds through the centuries, as the melody, majesty life on earth!
& Quot; Do not give up, Motherland.
Do not give up, the birthplace .
Do not give up the homeland,
I'm with you! & Quot;
& Quot; Do not give up, Motherland.
Do not give up, the birthplace .
Do not give up the homeland,
I'm with you! & Quot;

Only thousands of years later, we hear your voice.
Tired of the disease, the losses and senseless fights.
People wake up from sleep, your voice will turn on,
And he made in the first step towards the Motherland!
People wake up from sleep, your voice will turn on,
And he made in the first step towards the Motherland!

And the cold winds falter, entangled in the strands of hair,
Fearless Little Lady, and her voice conquering frost
It sounds through the centuries, as the melody, majesty life on earth!
& Quot; Do not give up, Motherland.
Do not give up, the birthplace .
Do not give up the homeland,
I'm with you! & Quot;
& Quot; Do not give up, Motherland.
Do not give up, the birthplace .
Do not give up the homeland,
I'm with you! & Quot;

And the cold winds falter, entangled in the strands of hair,
Fearless Little Lady, and her voice conquering frost
It sounds through the centuries, as the melody, majesty life on earth!
& Quot; Do not give up, Motherland.
Do not give up, the birthplace .
Do not give up the homeland,
I'm with you! & Quot;

& Quot; Do not give up, Motherland.

Do not give up, the birthplace .

Do not give up the homeland,

Gursky Vladimir Vladimirovich (Vladimir Bard), 36 years old, Respulbika Belarus, Vitebsk -
composer, lyricist and performer (guitar, lead vocals)
Dmitry Shapovalov (Rodosvet) 30 years Respulbika Belarus g.Vitebsk-
guitar, lead guitar, backing vocals, arrangements.

A little bit about the song:
Song & quot; Do not give Homeland & quot; was written shortly after the publication of books and reading V.N.Megre & quot; & quot ;, Anasta
inspired by the story of the girl and the impending glacier.
The song is written in a modern arrangement in the home studio, but is executed in a bard version (2 guitars, two vocals) and exclusively live. The song was played at the annual International Festival & quot; Slavic Bazaar & quot; in Vitebsk, on one of its small scenes, as well as in support of the Caravan of Love Solar Bards in Vitebsk and in the circles of friends and associates.

We hope that this song will not leave people indifferent to the love for their homeland and take its rightful place in the competition & quot; Vedrussiya Art & quot ;. Happy listening, friends! :)

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