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Обновлено: 09.03.2025
Тексты песен / М / слова песен Максим Леонидов / Маленькая роль
Перевод текста песни Маленькая роль
Максим Леонидов
Исполнитель: Максим Леонидов
Название: Маленькая роль
I got it in this play.
A very small role.
It has only four words:
"We will break through, my king!"
Ten thrusts with the rapier
And when the road is clear,
A dying enemy
The blade pierces my chest.
I'm lying in the foreground,
A fly crawls on his forehead,
The departing battle
I hear thunder and gunfire.
I got it in this play.
A very small role.
It has only four words:
"We will break through, my king!"
But the priest will come soon,
A voice comes from above me.
And the king with downcast eyes,
He'll say,"Died like a hero."
I'll ask him at intermission.,
Hiding the pain under the yellow mask:
"How will You deal with the enemies,
Am I dead, my king?"
And the king will answer sadly:
"Don't worry, my boy.
I'm on the play
Negative hero."
And his in the near act
Shot at the wall
It may well be, for the benefit of
Our . country.
I got it in this play.
A very small role.
It has only four words:
"We will break through, my king!"
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