Let the water wash away your sins аккорды

Обновлено: 09.03.2025

An angel has landed in Goetia Manor. His presence and actions will affect many people, including the odd family who will begin to know him and understand the burning questions: Who is he and what happened to him?

One thing is certain, the truth is easy to find, but it's much more difficult to live with it.
(Title is from a Far Cry 5 Song. Seemed appropriate.)


Hello. This is my first fanfic ever. I don't know how long this will last but I hope to create a story I'm both proud of and people can enjoy. Especially the people like me who refresh the helluva boss fanfic tag everyday in between episodes.
This series will get dark and I hope the I can do the characters anr themes justice.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: 1. A First in Heaven

Chapter Text

The ground of Goetia Manor were quiet that night.

Well relatively, when compared with the blaring soundscape of the Ring of Pride.

The only sounds that emanated from the grounds were the shuffling of the few guards on duty near the gates, the rustling and occasional hissing of the living plants which inhabited the massive greenhouse and the slightly obnoxious snoring (and soft hooting) of the building's two remaining occupants.

Prince Stolas Goetia was sleeping soundly in his bed alongside his (loudly) snoring lover Blitzo. They were curled up together after a long and pleasurable marathon of activity (which consisted of Blitzo playing Spririt:Stallion of the Cimarron on their home movie system and then acting out almost every scene in full horse cosplay while drunk and singing the My Little Hellsie theme song. Meanwhile, Stolas watched the entire event while innocently eating popcorn and not so innocently swooning at Blitzo's "anatomically correct" outfit.)

As both demons slept they began to dream. Stolas dreamed of the day he and Blitzo would finally be married, with him envisioning a lavish ceremony where his daughter and the employees of I.M.P were the only guests as he didn't really care for the opinions of Hell's "proper" society. He dreamed of Blitzo carrying him down the aisle bridal style while in a long white wedding dress. He softly cooed in his sleep at the mere thought.

Meanwhile, Blitzo was dreaming of stealing Striker's horse Bombproof and riding it, alongside Stolas, into the sunset while trampling everyone he hated, which was a fairly large amount, while his employees cheered him and shouted how he was the greatest boss ever and how they would name all of their children Blitzo if they had any. He whisper yelled "Fuck yeah" while he slept.

The peaceful atmosphere ended at roughly that exact moment, when something crashed down from the sky right next to the greenhouse with a loud THUD.

This quickly awoke both demons as they quickly threw some clothes on and looked bewilderd out the window at the new crater which had formed. Upon their approach to the crater with Stolas drawing on his magic in case of an attack, while Blitzo drew his gun at the ready, they peered inside and saw what had caused it.

The only logical response came from Blitzo:

"What the fuck was that. "

Their confusion was valid as this event was the first of its kind, after all, as this was the first time that an angel had literally fallen from Heaven into Hell.

Stolas then thought, with an exasperated feeling, "This is going to be a long night."

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