Иисуса вели на допрос аккорды

Обновлено: 05.10.2024

Иисуса вели на допрос,
Избитый, весь в ранах Христос,
Как трудно узнать в Нем Царя и Владыку.
Сидящего возле костра,
Апостола вижу Петра, такого ль Учителя был ученик он?

Jesus was being interrogated
Beaten, wounded Christ,
How hard is it to recognize the King and the Lord in Him.
Sitting by the fire,
I see Peter as an apostle, was he such a Master? Was he a student?

Relief Christ drank a thicket of pain and tears
How from the dried earth He sprouted before men
// But for me, He is the Lord, although the flesh is disfigured,
In His love, I see the Savior and the King! //

Let the evil human laughter flow
Let them say: & quot; This one of those
Whoever serves some God to this day! & Quot;
I will not shame His wounds, walking through the unbelief of the snowstorm,
I will keep the candle in God's Son of faith!

Relief Christ drank a thicket of pain and tears
How from the dried earth He sprouted before men
// But for me, He is the Lord, although the flesh is disfigured,
In His love, I see the Savior and the King! //

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