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Beginner tabs Top Uke Tabs Trending Artists Strumming Perfect Uke tab by Ed Sheeran
4 Chords used in the song : G, Em, C, D
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Tablature / Chords (Full Song)
Difficulty: Key: G, Em Chords Uke tab by supusepa98 , 04 Mar 2017Tab comments ( 43 )
pawski beautiul song 18 Aug 2021 JaxX (Berlin) I can't believe this is already 4 years old! 02 Jul 2021 JoeyCalamari (nowhere) 1. Lyrics are wrong. 2. Chords are in wrong places and I keep having to randomly add them myself because I know the song that well. 24 Nov 2020 Why_tho The song is amazing, and all of the chords are right, but most of the chords are in the wrong places above the words. 07 Nov 2020 Kodex (Fairfax) I used DDUUDDUU for a majority then cut it in half when two chords needed to be played in a faster pace 26 Aug 2020 prutha09 For female singers, you can transpose it up to 5 half steps so the scale is in C, if you think the original key is hard to sing cause it goes too low. But perfect chords for a perfect song. 25 Aug 2020 _Loa_ Подскажите кто-нибудь бой :^ 28 Jul 2020 pinkukulelebleh I'm working on playing it while singing at my birthday's karaoke this is very hard 14 Jun 2020 Owlhollow This is my sister's favorite song ;-; 16 May 2020 myRoseDS (paris) il est conseillé de mettre un capo en 2e case. 17 Apr 2020 dazepetal44 i lovee itt 21 Mar 2020 Alisa_Melon "now I know I have met an angel in person and she looks perfect tonight" is: Em (on Angel) C (on person) G (on she) D (on perfect) G (on tonight) 08 Feb 2020 Alythea dddDdd dddDdd: each chord(d=strum down)
(D=strum down harder)
*tempo purposes :)* 31 Dec 2019 amazingtelearner I'm gonna try playing this in front of my crush who I think likes me back! 19 Dec 2019 1adriana4 D DUDU or dddDdd 4D is need to be stronger than another 20 Sep 2019 Derper DDD-DDD (El 4 con más fuerza) 17 Aug 2019 mayrarebecca 16 Aug 2019 elyse03 (Mississauga) 13 Feb 2019 Voldemortt (Portland) For strumming I reccomend DDDDDDDDDDDD so twelve down strums per chord except that G-C thong where it's six each. On the fourth of every six put more emphasis on the chord so down three times then down a little louder then down regular the next two times. That whole thing twice for each chord. Hope I've explained it well. 11 Feb 2019 Lil_Baby gdzie znajdę jak powinno uderzać się o struny? 28 Jan 2019 maddysuke (fantasy-land) this song reminds me of my ex :.( 16 Jan 2019 cooper04 last chorus is wrong 28 Nov 2018 OkayAtUke (north hollywood) I just use DTDT for strumming 14 Nov 2018 BonT04 (FNORT) 24 Oct 2018 KalaUkuleles (Oxnard) I really like this song! a suggestion is, I think you should put the strum on every song, because I have no clue what the strum is! 10 Sep 2018 Arod83 Why do the lyrics blank out to xxxx xxxx when I go to print?? 16 Aug 2018 KalaUkuleles (Oxnard) I thought this song was super good, but I have no idea what the strum is 10 Aug 2018 kathydragos the lyrics are messed up in this site. 08 Aug 2018 Kornel Interlude after the 1st chorus: G D Em D C D 05 May 2018 scubadiver (Berlin) @privett is it not à copyright issue or something ? 09 Apr 2018 privett (Coronado) How come when I print 90% of the words are x out?? 21 Mar 2018 Rosefully (Neverland)
good tab but i would change one thing
. you look perfect tonight
"When you said you looked a mess I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it darling you look perfect tonight"
on the 2nd to last chorus, it should be replaced with
"When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight"
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