Dear winter ajr аккорды укулеле

Обновлено: 09.03.2025

Beginner tabs Top Uke Tabs Trending Artists Strumming Dear Winter Uke tab by AJR

8 Chords used in the song : F, C, Bb, Dm, Am, Faug, C6, C7

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Tablature / Chords (Full Song)

Difficulty: Key: F, Dm Chords Uke tab by NeoTenic , 22 Jul 2019

Tab comments ( 4 )

Adelaide18 I love AJR! 15 Feb 2021 NeoTenic Ah my bad. I usually like the chords under the words. I’ll add and extra line break to make it easier to tell! And thank you so much! 23 Jul 2019 laneyburke26 this tab is really good but i think you put the notes on the wrong side of the lyrics.. i don't know if thats what you're used to but it really messed me up at first :) 23 Jul 2019 NeoTenic

Hi y’all. While looking around for chord charts online, I found they all seemed to do the same thing: Pitch the vocal key down to the fifth and use an over-simplified C,G,F prog that works with that vocal, but not the original vocal.

So I spent a good two hours in my dorm picking chords and piecing the real song (which is much more complex and musically satisfying imo) together. I hope you appreciate and enjoy.

As of posting this, I’m on mobile and waiting to return to my hometown from Tokyo. When I have a PC and I can get things done faster, I’ll finish the song!

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