Breaking benjamin аккорды на гитаре

Обновлено: 09.03.2025

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poyamorous - Breaking Benjamin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed By

Band: Breaking Benjamin Song: So Cold Album: We Are Not Alone Tabbed by: Chad Hayes (cch5767) Website: Notes: This song is complete (excluding main solo) The INTRO has numbered measures for easy rea

Artist: Breaking Benjamin Song: Wish I May Album: Saturate Tabbed by: BenjaminBreaks4 Note: h = hammer on p = pull off ^ = bend up r = release bend / = slide up = slide down = palm mute &

Intro: Gm - G - C - C Verse 1: Gm C G Search for the answers I knew all along C Gm I lost myself, we all fall down C

CAPO on 1st Fret Cm x24432 G 320033 B x02220 G xx0232 [Verse I] Cm Will the faithful be rewarded G When it come to the end G Will I mis

CAPO on 1st Fret Gm x02210 F 133211 Cm xx0231 C 320033 G x32010 [Verse I] Gm Life will come our way, Gm F It has only just begun. Cm The worl

CAPO on 4th Fret Gm x02210 F 133211 C 320033 Cm xx0231 [Verse I] Gm Stay alive Gm F Heaven holds a place for us tonight Gm I Am paralyzed Gm Gm G

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как расстроить струны чтоб было красиво как в оригинале.

Я делаю так - ставлю каподастр на 3-ий лад, тональность -3. Играешь с 6 по 1 струну каждый аккорд, с

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