Больно богу с неба смотреть аккорды

Обновлено: 09.03.2025

Больно Богу с неба смотреть,
Как гибнут на войне молодые ребята,
Больно Ему видеть грудных детей,
Оставленных кем-то в мусорных баках…
Неужели люди понять не в силах, где искать ответы?
Может быть, они не знают, что их Бог любит?
Сотни миллионов живут в кромешной тьме, не зная света,
Может, просто им не нужен он…

God hurts to look at the sky ,
Like a drunken man fell asleep under the fence
It hurts to see how young girls
sells itself on the roads .
How many more people drowning in their sins !
Maybe they do not know that God loves them ?
Hundreds of millions live in darkness , not knowing the world,
Maybe they just do not need it ? ..

But God sees , God knows ,
He hears everything , understands everything,
Speak to Him - and He will save us from death!
After all , God loves and forgives
He heals the doomed ,
Only you open your heart to Him !

It hurts God from heaven to watch
How to die in the war young guys
It hurts to see infants
Someone left in garbage cans .
Do people can not understand where to look for answers ?
Maybe they do not know that God loves them ?
Hundreds of millions live in darkness , not knowing the world,
Maybe they just do not need it .

But God sees , God knows ,
He hears everything , understands everything,
Speak to Him - and He will save us from death!
After all , God loves and forgives
He heals the doomed ,
Only you open your heart to Him !

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